Monday, March 24, 2014 at 10:28AM

C'mon SPRING!!! We all know and associate the season of spring with a time of new beginnings, cleaning of closets, de-cluttering, and growth for the next portion of the year...or getting in shape for spring break? Whatever motivates you, it's a perfect time to increase your determination and reaffirm your intentions! Remember those New Year's Resolutions? It's now time to re-evaluate what you prioritized in January--how's it working for you? Perhaps your focus has shifted or changed due to an event in your life, new relationship, or opportunity. Maybe you realize what you thought was important then, isn't as important now. many, maybe this long, cold (seemingly never-ending) winter has caused you to lose a bit of that enthusiasm and put you in the SLOTH CYCLE. Regardless, let's revamp our attitudes a bit, shall we? Like that tulip trying hard to push it's way through the still-frozen ground, let's reach toward the sunny bits of ourselves and aim for the organic rebirth of our spirit--it's always there for us, just like Spring! That tulip has no doubt that the edge of the earth will inevitably thaw and break way, making room for it's beauty, for it's reach toward the sun. Your spirit is the same. Slow down a bit--I know, like me, you are dying to organize the garage--but take some time to breathe and smile, to gaze at your environment, to hold gratitude in your heart and remember what is TRULY IMPORTANT. (hint: things that make you happy!) Tune in to your true self's natural desire to express your full beauty and reach out into the world. In other words, ENJOY YOUR LIFE. You may find the muddy paws, the endless pile of boots and mittens, the bare tree branches won't annoy you quite as much. You may realize you can find the Spring within yourself despite the seemingly stagnant stage of season--and still bloom toward your goals anyway. 

For those of you who have not heard, I am pregnant! This will make number 4, we are officially a "big family." :) I am so excited and am determined to enjoy every moment of this pregnancy. (something I feel I didn't do in the previous three.) A blessed and happy surprise, this news has altered pretty much every goal I set for myself in January. This was the year I was really going to focus on growing both in my practice and my business! I was going to start writing more seriously again and had all sorts of dreams and plans and projects. I'm not saying they aren't attainable now--but it's caused me to pause for a bit and consider. As well,  this one has thrown me physically for a loop--the fatigue and nausea have been nearly debilitating. Going from consistent, even energy throughout the entire day to dozing off (drool coming out of my mouth) almost every time I sit for more than five minutes has been an adjustment. At first I found myself feeling kind of down--I didn't like feeling tired and unmotivated. But a few weeks in I decided to just enjoy the feeling of fatigue (who can enjoy nausea? that one I haven't achieved.), and allow myself to lie down when I felt tired. Turns out, napping is AWESOME. Never been a napper, gotta say now I get it. I've been watching a lot of cooking shows and reading more. Oddly, I'm loving my new, slower, "lazier" self! I'm turning a blind eye to previously annoying things like messy bedrooms and piles of laundry and I'm happily sitting during the day for the first time in at least 15 years. I laugh when my asana practice ends after 25 minutes and I savasana for an equal length of time. (again, awesome) I have realized, like this winter, in a few weeks my fatigue and nausea will fade and I will enter the next stage of this human-building process--one that's more full of energy and nesting. I'm actually already perking up the past few days and can feel a bit of life seep back into my bones. I appreciate how nice it is to have my brain back, to feel motivated enough to write this email to all of you! 

My point is--this practice, it takes practice. No matter what we are going through we need to CONSISTENTLY remind ourselves to release attachments and emotion and embrace the journey of the moment. To remember the sun, although hidden by the clouds, is still up there--it's still hot, it's still bright, it's still giving life and energy and direction to the universe. Even though right now we can't see it or feel it, we know it is there providing. No doubt releasing attachments is not easy--especially when faced with things we cannot "control." But guess what? That's when the most beautiful and sublime growth occurs! When we allow the natural rhythms of our desires to lead us and succumb to the teachings our experiences offer, we are whole and balanced and truly alive. Think of it like that first huge change in Spring. One day, our world looks gray and dreary...then, almost overnight, there is green grass, buds on all the branches, bits of pink, red, and yellow dotting the horizon. We notice and appreciate this change more than we do the subtle changes later in the season because of it's drama. We relish in this change relative to where we were a week ago. Such is the same for your spirit my friends. Delight in the chances you are given to change the seasons of your heart! I honor that ability in you! And of course, if you need help--I am here for you!! Please contact me if you would like guidance with a challenge be it mental, emotional, or physical. Email, call, Facebook, stop me at the grocery store, whatever. :) Much love to you my friends! 

xo G